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Photo was taken: 2021


Artist Statement

To create beauty to elevate your mood and vibration.

Techniques, and mediums


I used a variety of materials to create these experimental images. I merged different painting- techniques together to create a new imagery.


All acrylic paintings with glitters were glued on, and top coated a few times with high-quality, heavy gel, gloss acrylic medium to protect and to prevent glitters falling off from paintings.




Hi, My name is Tunde G. But you can just call me: Pixie

I came to live in Canada from Hungary, Budapest in 1987.
I graduated in 1999 from the Ontario College of Art and Design, (Toronto, Ontario, Canada).


Just like yours, my experiences and education also could take several pages. To summarize my work experiences, I mention only three here.


Upon graduating, I worked for the Valspar Corporation McCloskey Special Effects as a Faux Painting Demonstrator, and I was sent to Home Shows, and various paint stores to show how to use these McCloskey glazes, and painting-products.

This experience also allowed me to fuel my self- employment as a decorative painter.


Since 2001 I worked  as a scenic-painter for movie, TV and theater productions. I worked for IATSE local 873, Nabet and others.

Through my spare time, I developed a collection of paintings. Now I work to create this online gallery.  I want to fill it with more vibrant, and beautiful paintings. I offer them to people like you, who may enjoy to have them.


Creative Hobbies: I also digitally alter the images of my paintings. As you can see on this photo, I enjoy to visit places and take pictures with my phone's camera. I also create funny-looking FIMO characters and  videos.


Get in Touch

1(647) 809-4014

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